Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another midwifery forum

I have just joined another midwifery forum, MidwiferyWorld.NET. The goals of the forum are to:

* Share information
* Support midwives throughout their career
* Promote good practice
* Promote and support continued professional development
* Support fledgling midwives in the transition from student to midwife
* Be a midwifery resource

It will be interesting to see how it is utilized compared to its Facebook and MIDIRS equivalent.

Contained communities
I am not a great user of what I call 'contained' communities because I prefer to be in an open environment. I have joined several Ning and Facebook groups but actually get more benefit from the email groups I belong to. However, I have found recently that a lot of midwifery blogs that I have mentioned in the past here have closed themselves off from the general population. So it may be that there is a move by midwives to more closed environments. Why? To be/feel safe? I do not know.

In the meantime, I have registered my profile in the same way I have a presence on Facebook, although I don't expect I will use the forum much, but who knows.

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